Sinan Çolak


SİNAN ÇOLAK who was born in Rize in 1962 has completed his secondary education in Istanbul and he graduated from Uludağ University. In 1982 he entered to the construction industry whis was his father’s profession and therefore, he conduced to lots of families to owen apartment.

In 1993, he founded AKTERM MÜHENDİSLİK LTD ŞTİ in order to perform his profession he get educated. His company has grown day by day with his works and at the same time, Sinan ÇOLAK is executing the the task of Vice President General of ASIAD (Eurasia Industrialists and Businessmens’s Association).

ÇOLAK, who is popular with his hardworking, honest and social personality, has intersected his way with ATLAS VALLEY project in 2013.

Just like architectural, Engineering and Civil Engineering teams, ATLAS VALLEY management showing their selectivity has delivered the Mechanical Installation works of the projects to this reliable hands.